Arc of Uncertainties (Installation) -1862 Apollo

Facebook Artist in Residence (FB AIR) program
Facebook Office, Singapore

The notion of lost asteroids has always fascinated me. How do we lose sight of something so big as a minor planet? Intriguingly, even objects as large as planets are often misplaced and eventually forgotten by stargazers and astronomers, but then return as a ‘newly discovered’ object despite actually being a rediscovery. 1862 Apollo is such an asteroid; an earth crossing asteroid that was lost for 40 years only to be latter rediscovered.

The FB network – like the scientific instruments that chart the heavens – is also very much a mechanism to follow/ upkeep with important things or people in our lives. The rat race of life may sometimes overwhelm, causing us to lose sight of the things that matter but there’s always that little nudge or reminder to put things into perspective and eventually reconnecting people – even if for a moment.

Special thanks to Grishma Gandhi, Muhd Afiq Danial Bin Azman, Shirly Koh, Pey Chuan and the Facebook Artist in Residence (FB AIR) program! photo by Matin Latif.jpg